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Description of the Book:


Through his captivating debut collection of poems, "Lucid Dreams", Rajdeep Banerjee delves fearlessly into the depths of the human mind, exploring profound philosophical ideas and intricate psychological concepts.


SKU: 9789358312690
  • Author's Name: Rajdeep Banerjee
    About the Author: "Lucid Dreams" stands as a testament to Rajdeep Banerjee's contemplative nature and his ability to distil intricate thoughts into eloquent poetry. Each poem is a brushstroke on the canvas of the human experience, capturing the essence of life's mysteries with profound wisdom. When he's not immersed in seeking lyrics for his verses, Rajdeep finds solace in teaching English and preparing English Language Teaching material for his blog, "". He is also an aquarium hobbyist. He claims it helps him expand his understanding of the human behaviour.
    Book ISBN: 9789358312690
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