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Description of the Book:

these entries are a window into a young woman's deepest feelings. they describe the struggles of mental illness, self-love, social and beauty standards, hope, and the beauties of living. this book is an outstretched hand to POC women who have similar struggles with the intention to heal and find acceptance within themselves and their identity.

Just Enough for No One

SKU: 9789357210188
  • Author's Name: Mulunesh Bekele
    About the Author: mulunesh is a 20 year old born in ethiopia. this short collection of poems and writings reveal her inner thoughts, her battle with mental illness, her experience as an african woman in america, her adoption, and the details of life she finds meaning in. this is mulunesh's first published work and she hopes to continue to her growth through writing.
    ISBN: 9789357210188


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