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Description of the Book:


Duende is a collection of heart-wrenching poems which aim to make you feel a multitude of emotions, just as the title says. It aims to make you think and make you see the world with a clearer vision. My thoughts lay bare before you such that our thoughts collide and provoke you to think, not like me, but yourself. And if you are provoked to change all that is wrong in this world, my aim would be fulfilled.

May you feel pain, yet revive,
Only to change this world, we all survive.
I take you on this ride, to open your heart and eyes,
With my poetry, which I hope, time defies.

Duende [Dwen-day]~The mysterious power of art to deeply move a person

SKU: 9789395620376
  • Author Name: Anushree Saha
    About the Author: Anushree aka My Word Bubble is an avid reader and writer from Mumbai, who believes herself to be a Philomath- a lover of learning. She loves to journal, paint, travel, seek adventure and delve into deep conversations. She is a freelancer and book blogger, with a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Political Science. She is also a Black belt in Taekwondo martial arts. She is someone who wishes to bring about a change in this world! Her poems have been previously published in anthologies such as Carnations, Beyond Life, Anika and Little Love notes. Also an Amazon Verified Influencer, you can explore her bookish world further @mywordbubble on Instagram or write to her at
    Book ISBN: 9789395620376


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