Description of the Book:
This collection is a window into the lifecycle of creativity. As a child, creativity and imagination flow deeply and without any boundaries. Somewhere along the way, we learn the idea that our creativity should be harnessed, or worse, buried and crushed. A true creative finds their joy in letting their creativity bloom through their whole life. Sometimes it may get lost for a time, but once they allow themselves to be creative, life blooms with joy again.
Creativity Garden
SKU: 9789360948252
Author's Name: Karen Guthrie
About the Author: Karen has been a writer from a very young age. Her first poem, about an ant, was written in the fourth grade, and is still proudly kept by her mom. In high school, she won both first and second place in a fine art writing competition. She tried her hand at novel and script writing, but finally settled into poetry being her favorite form of writing. In 2010 she was introduced to National Novel Writing Month: a yearly writing challenge to write a fifty-thousand-word first draft in thirty days. Karen has participated every year since then and has completed the challenge three times. For Karen, writing has gone from being a hobby, to a passion, to a lifestyle. She is thrilled to share her thoughts with the world and hopes to inspire others to do the same. Book ISBN: 9789360948252