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Description of the Book:


the absence of mortality in our soul, paired with the ephemerality of the heart that beats, begs us to be, in some way- remembered.

lifetimes that collide with each other, and the chaos they bring, reverberate the same way it did for you years ago.

how do we make sense of this immortal pandemonium?

perhaps it is in the stillness of the night and in unspoken words, our chaos finds meaning.

cosmic downpour

SKU: 9789395620369
  • Author Name: peratzatha
    About the Author: to define is to limit, to not define is also, to limit. my purpose, like many others who walk this path- is to be a narrator. peratzatha is loosely termed as the art of people watching. as a wanderer of this land and many more, it is befitting to be called so. i consider myself an amalgamation of memories and lifetimes pouring out to corporeality through the pages i touch, breathing life into the worlds i've existed in other bodies, and the moments i choose to carry. you can find me on wordpress, or on instagram as 'peratzathaa' for more works that include me screaming at the cosmos of the night, and the ones within me.
    Book ISBN: 9789395620369


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