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Description of the Book:


Through a series of raw, powerful and thought-provoking poems, Boundless takes you through the journey of breaking apart and putting yourself back together again.


SKU: 9789357441056
  • Author's Name: Zainab Hussain
    About the Author: Zainab has been writing poetry for over a decade. Her first publication was released in 2022, after which she launched her multimedia platform: “Stories Untold: Poetry for the Soul”. Among other things, writing has served as a coping mechanism and enabled her to raise awareness about the issues closest to her heart, from feminism to mental illness and beyond. Zainab’s poetry centers around embracing vulnerability, practicing self-love, navigating relationships and most importantly, healing trauma through self-expression. Zainab studied Psychology and Behavioral Sciences and works as an Inclusion and Diversity Specialist in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is an advocate for social reformation, immigrant rights, gender and racial equity, religious freedom, disability inclusion and mental health awareness.

    Book ISBN: 9789357441056

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