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Description of the Book:


Book of Dreams is Rahil Najafabadi's love letter to the people, places, and events that have left a love mark on her life. The poetry in this chapbook have all come to her in small moments and impressions embedded in dreams that were often replicas of reality. There is a special wind in the mountains that not even words can describe. But dreams do come close. The same goes for love.


SKU: 9789357213097
  • Author's Name: Rahil Najafabadi
    About the Author: Rahil Najafabadi is a poet and visual artist based in New York City. Most of her work involves nature, environmental issues, and complexities of the human condition. She is currently working on a collection of prints and paintings paired with poems and essays related to tectonic movements, volcanic mountains, and oceanography. She was born in Tehran, Iran.
    Book ISBN: 9789357213097


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