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Description of the Book:


As humans, we go through hundreds of emotions in our lifetime. Some are expressive, not afraid to show how they feel at the moment. While some try hiding it from others by putting on a mask.

Happiness, affection, guilt, satisfaction, hope.

Some are afraid those feelings won't last for long.

Some are relieved by this thought.

We all feel things differently. We all have different ways of approaching and reflecting these feelings.

We all feel life differently.

Some of us are the protagonists of our own stories. Some have their stories set mostly on the sidelines. A minor subplot to everyone's bigger stories. Never the main character.

Stories with different bookmarks standing in for the pause. Few rough and bold with dog ears and random pieces acting as a bookmark. Others fresh and untouched for users that don't dare flip the page to the other side of the bookmark.

Some relieved with the flow. Others agitated.

Dusted. Dirty.

Many experiencing a bitter life that is more draining than it is giving.

Hoping for something.

Something. A step ahead in life.

A Flower Bookmark

SKU: 9789358739411
  • Author's Name: Tanya Kumari
    About the Author: Tanya has been writing poems and stories since she was just thirteen years old, and she has always dreamed of becoming a published author. When she is not writing or marketing, Tanya enjoys simple pleasures such as sipping tea and indulging in delicious food. She loves to go on walks and explore the natural beauty of her surroundings. Her love for nature and her appreciation for the small things in life are reflected in her writing, which is full of vivid descriptions and lyrical prose. She loves to write about life and struggles that come with it, as a relatable reflection of her own experiences.

    Book ISBN: 9789358739411

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